Milk mask/ Bicarbonate soda exfoliation mask review:

Kissmeaegyopanda's beauty secrets (Psh! What beauty! xD)


Hey beauties~! Well; I took a small break for a few days due to this godforesaken assignment.. Oh my gosh!
But it will be finished tonight! *fist pumps*

I’m here to actually tell you all about how my skin is going.
I actually had a chance to look at my skin last night, and, I could definitely see the change in using those natural bleaching products! My scars are fading dramatically and it makes me happy. ^^
All it takes is the Bicarbonate soda mask, milk and flour.

That is all it takes. ^^~
Just…Use the Bicarbonate soda first.

And then use the milk/flour mask as a soother/bleacher.

This homemade exfoliater I would give a 7/10.

It’s great in exfoliating, and leaves your skin nice and bright after it!

However, it did drop marks due to my skin being slightly sensitive, so it could sting sometimes, and leave it…

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Dry skin

Let’s talk about dry skin for a second.

Dry skin is a state of oil imbalance that needs to be controlled and corrected.

A quick fix would be to apply heavy moisturisers to your skin several times a day but this will temporarily make your skin feel better. This will further the decrease the oil and water production in the skin to the point where your skin must rely on products for moisture and comfort.

Here are some home remedies to help combat dry skin.

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Olive oil  is a common ingredient we tend to have in our kitchen and it always comes in handy. It does wonders for dry skin. It is also the base ingredient for many store bought moisturizers. When used on its own, you eliminate chemicals and other ingredients in store bought lotions that can counteract the power of the oil.

Olive oil is packed with antioxidants that can repair dry, irritated or inflamed skin. It can also help prevent and repair damage that can lead to wrinkles or sun spots.

How to:  Soak cotton buds in the oil and apply to dry patches of the skin. Let it sit for a couple of minutes before rinsing.

You could also try some honey.

Honey softens and moisturizes dry skin. It can be applied directly to problem areas, massage gently into the skin, let it sit for about 2-3 mins and rinse out. Repeat daily and you will experience softer skin.

Now, If the thought of applying oil or honey directly to your skin discourages you, here’s an alternative.

Olive oil, lemon & salt scrub.

Mix the juice from one lemon with 5 tablespoons of sea salt and one tablespoon of olive oil to create a luxurious scrub.

The fresh lemon scent is invigorating and with the addition of olive oil, this scrub will leave your skin feeling fresh, moisturised and impeccably soft.

The salt acts as the little beads you get in your normal store bought scrubs. It will help get rid of the dead skin cells when apply in a circular motion with light/medium pressure.

That’s it for now.

Look out for more hints&tips coming your way.

Stay Beautiful.x