
Sun Damage

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Did you know that if you protect your skin from the sun you would not get wrinkles on your face till the age of 60?

When ultraviolet light hits the surface of your skin, it produces molecules called free radicals which destroy healthy skin cells.

Exposing your face to sunlight is the fastest way to age your skin.

Good News- To prevent sun damage to your gorgeous skin, start by wearing sunscreen when you leave the house. For day to day outings wear SPF15, if your on the beach or holiday in a hot country, wear SPF30.

Lookout for more hints&tips coming your way.

Stay beautiful.x



Arrgghh!! Blackheads can be a major pain i know. Check out this home remedy, its saves you money and gets the work done.

A blackhead also known as open comedo is a kind of bump on the skin in yellow or black color with a mass of skin debris covering the opening. Blackheads can be seen on the nose, ears or anywhere else on the body. This skin problem can occur at any age but it mostly affects teenagers and adolescents. Two main reasons behind this problem are hormonal changes in the body and excessive use of cosmetic products

1) Lemon

Lemon used in acne treatment can also be used to remove blackheads. The nutrients and vitamins present in lemon are good for all types of skin. With lemon you can make a nice face scrub. For this you will have to mix lemon juice with salt, yogurt and honey. Use this mixture to scrub the area gently having blackheads. Else you can use fresh lemon juice mixed with milk to eliminate blackheads. Apart from milk, you can also mix lemon juice with rose water. Follow this remedy daily for ten to twelve days without any fail.

2) Honey

Honey is another common ingredient easily available at homes that can be used to treat blackheads. The balancing quality present in honey is good for both oily skin and blackheads. When honey is applied on the affected skin area, it hydrates as well as tightens the skin pores. This results in a clear complexion. Regularly apply some pure honey on the face for about ten minutes so that it can dry and then rinse your face with lukewarm water.

3) Cinnamon

Cinnamon can be used to remove blackheads and it will even prevent their future growth. For this remedy take one teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a bowl and mix it with honey to form a thick paste. Apply the paste on the affected area before your bedtime and leave it overnight. Next morning, wash your face properly with normal water. For best result, follow this remedy daily for about ten days. Else you can make a mixture by adding one teaspoon each of cinnamon powder and lime juice with a pinch of turmeric powder.

Lookout for more hints&tips coming your way.

Stay Beautiful.xx